Оборудование        19.06.2020   

Плагин формы входа и регистрации (User Registration). Плагин формы входа и регистрации (User Registration) Теперь создадим основные скрипты для дальнейшей работы

User Registration plugin provides you with an easy way to create frontend user registration form and login form. Drag and Drop fields make ordering and creating forms extremely easy. The plugin is lightweight, extendible, and can be used to create any type of registration form.

Beside registration form, the plugin also supports beautiful frontend profile account page for profile edit, password change, Log out and more. Users can visit their account page after registration and view the details they have filled and can make changes if necessary.

The registration forms are 100% mobile responsive and optimized to display on any devices.

User Registration Plugin in action: Features And Options:
  • Simple, Clean and Beautiful WordPress Registration Forms
  • Drag and Drop Fields
  • Unlimited Registration Forms
  • Inbuilt Login Form
  • Frontend Profile account page
  • Multiple Column Design
  • Multiple Form template designs
  • Shortcode Support
  • Google reCaptcha Support (v2 and v3)
  • Email notifications
  • Email Customizers
  • Form Duplicate Option
  • Admin approval option for registration
  • Auto login option
  • Email confirmation to register
  • Enable/Disable Strong Password
  • Default User Role Selection Option
  • Support for profile image upload
  • Form Preview Option on backend
  • User data export in CSV
  • Import/Export registration form
  • Well Documented
  • Translation ready
Premium Addons

User Registration can be easily extended with some premium addons.

  • Contributors & Developers

    “User Registration – Custom Registration Form, Login And User Profile For WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.

    Contributors Changelog 1.7.6 – 30/12/2019
    • Enhancement – Registered user source.
    • Tweak – Remove inline css from recaptcha.
    • Fix – Email attachment hook mismatch arguments.
    • Fix – wp_authenticate_user filter mismatch arguments.
    • Fix – Hide/show password enabled in edit profile.
    1.7.5 – 13/12/2019
    • Enhancement – Redirect URL after logout.
    • Enhancement – Password field eye icon.
    • Fix – Escaping attribute in checkbox field.
    • Fix – Remove admin notice from form builder.
    • Fix – Case sensitive in confirm password.
    • Fix – Invite code field name made non editable.
    1.7.4 – 21/11/2019
    • Feature – WPML Plugin Compatibility.
    • Tweak – Country Field Default Value.
    • Tweak – Icons alignment to support WordPress v5.3.
    • Fix – HTML field Form Duplication.
    1.7.3 – 04/10/2019
    • Fix – Form ID being empty.
    • Fix – Form ID check.
    • Fix – Field key not found in edit profile details.
    1.7.2 – 02/10/2019
    • Refactor – Has date field function.
    • Refactor – Check username function.
    • Tweak – Button spinner.
    • Fix – Exclude file upload field from export users.
    • Fix – Remove the Password field from excluding.
    • Fix – Exclude Confirm Email field from edit profile.
    • Fix – Undefined error on label hidden.
    • Fix – Grid toggle text.
    • Fix – Email address vaidation.
    • Fix – Heartbeat start on Document ready.
    • Add – Styles for table caption.
    • Dev – Introducing get_form function.
    1.7.1 – 13/09/2019
    • Fix – Password Validation Message.
    • Fix – Password strength error message translation issue.
    • Fix – Smart Tag issue while sending the email.
    • Fix – Double click on form submit button.
    • Fix – Submit button hidden in IE.
    • Fix – Blink on the grid hover.
    1.7.0 – 05/09/2019
    • Feature – Live new user registration notice and badge.
    • Feature – Import/Export registration form in JSON format.
    • Feature – Shortcut to save form (Ctrl + s).
    • Tweak – Form name edit position change.
    • Tweak – UI enhancement for full-screen mode.
    • Tweak – Input field box design on the builder.
    • Tweak – Brand logo add in the builder.
    • Tweak – Header design enhancement on the builder.
    • Tweak – Remove footer save button.
    • Tweak – Remove builder reload on save.
    • Tweak – Form builder pre-loader.
    • Tweak – Setting tab design.
    • Tweak – Form fields design.
    • Tweak – Overall form builder design
    • Tweak – Add row button color adjustment.
    • Tweak – Field description placement below the input in front-end.
    • Tweak – Success and Error messages.
    • Tweak – Fields Icon change.
    • Tweak – SweetAlert2 confirmation and alert box.
    • Fix – Manage draggable user fields on row delete.
    • Add – Perfect Scrollbar in the builder.
    • Add – New Smarttag ({{ur_login}}).
    • Dev – Action hook in form builder footer wrapper.
    • Dev – Action hook after form save.
    • Dev – Filter hooks before and after form fields.
    • Dev – Filter before and after field row.
    • Dev – Add and Delete row JS events.
    • Dev – Color picker field in form setting.
    • Dev – Bool to string and vise Versa formatting add.
    1.6.3 – 19/08/2019
    • Enhancement – Send Email to Admin when user changes their profile details.
    • Feature – Fullscreen builder mode.
    • Tweak – Template file update to locate add-ons file
    • Add – Accept redirect_to get parameter in login page.
    • Fix – Password strength error message not showing.
    • Fix – Profile picture in my account dashboard.
    • Fix – Profile picture save without selecting any file.
    • Fix – Prevent empty search query.
    • Fix – Email format issue.
    • Dev – Hook to filter form data in profile details.
    1.6.2 – 09/07/2019
    • Enhancement – Profile picture upload to browser upload.
    • Tweak – Enqueue scripts.
    • Fix – Menu Items invalid arguments.
    • Fix – Log delete on reload.
    1.6.1 – 04/06/2019
    • Feature – Two Column Login and Registration Form.
    • Tweak – Secondary button design.
    • Tweak – Button status on hover, foucs and active.
    • Fix – Remove escaping in redirect url.
    • Fix – Lost Password Email from header.
    • Fix – json_decode error on user profile.
    • Fix – Admin can register user.
    • Fix – UI Dragging.
    • Fix – Field option selection in builder after field deleted.
    • Fix – Sub menu UI. – 08/05/2019
    • Fix – Form wise redirection
    1.6.0 – 07/05/2019
    • Feature – Form Wise Redirection.
    • Feature – Added Number field’s Min, Max & Step attribute option along with Custom CSS option.
    • Tweak – Introducing new User Registration Brand Logo change.
    • Tweak – Gravatar message in Edit Profile page hide when selected Custom Picture.
    • Tweak – On Prevent Core Login option enabled redirect Administrator to Dashboard.
    • Tweak – Setting page’s sub-menu design change.
    • Tweak – Edit profile in My Account page field structure.
    • Tweak – My Account page design change.
    • Tweak – Conditional Logic Option design change in Field option.
    • Add – Form Preview Button.
    • Add – Hide and Show Password button in Login page.
    • Add – Introducing Email Confirmation field.
    • Fix – Undefined index found_avatar in Gravatar.
    • Fix – Registration form submission Undefined error.
    • Fix – KeepAlive issue in Copy Shortcode button.
    • Fix – Lost Password Endpoint conflict.
    • Fix – Max Length for input field.
    1.5.10 – 04/05/2019
    • Feature – Prevent Core Login and Registration page.
    • Feature – Custom css fields for default fields.
    • Fix – Prevent Dashboard access issue for multiple user roles.
    • Fix – Target blank in anchor tag issue.
    • Dev – Filter hook to modify form fields.
    • Dev – Filter hook to be used in new setting type.
    • Tweak – Bypass validation for read-only fields.
    1.5.9 – 03/28/2019
    • Fix – Profile picture not displaying in My account page.
    • Tweak – Dashboard Widget data fetch through Ajax request.
    • Dev – Filter hook added to hide current password in edit profile page.
    • Dev – Filter hook added to bypass current password validation and check in form handler. – 03/04/2019
    • Fix – Update user meta profile_pic_id and prefix change on review notice
    1.5.8 – 02/26/2019
    • Feature – Custom profile picture upload on account profile and admin profile.
    • Feature – Dashboard widget for users activity.
    • Feature – Default value for country field.
    • Feature – Option to delete user registration data on plugin deletion.
    • Feature – Password strength meter on lost password and change password form.
    • Add – Admin notice to leave review on wp.org
    • Add – Scroll to error message due to minimum password strength.
    • Remove – Caching prevention after header sent. Should’ve been as earlier as wp hook.
    • Fix – Minimum password strength bug
    1.5.7 – 02/05/2018
    • Refactor – Options for select, checkbox and radio field.
    • Add – Placeholder for select and country field.
    • Add – Cache helper class for flushing cache on user registration form.
    • Fix – Confirmaction of export/erase personal data from custom login form.
    • Fix – Privacy policy made required by default.
    • Fix – Formatting of form title display.
    • Fix – Validate for same email as password.
    • Dev – Action hook for enqueuing scripts.
    1.5.6 – 11/01/2018
    • Fix – Authenticated XSS. Thanks wpvulndb.com for nofifying.
    • Fix – Smart tag bug on resend confirmation email
    1.5.5 – 08/01/2018
    • Feature – Google reCaptcha v3 support
    • Fix – Data display for input fields on users profile
    • Tweak – Disable input fields on builder panel
    • Tweak – Beautify accordion on fields section
    1.5.4 – 02/01/2018
    • Fix – Smart tag for reset password email
    • Fix – Date field in user profile
    • Tweak – Message for lost password while awaiting admin approval
    • Dev – Filter to override success/failure response
    • Dev – Filter to override user role
    • Dev – Filter to update settings on settings page

Доброго времени суток друзья! Давай с Вами рассмотрим регистрацию пользователей на PHP. Для начала давайте определим условия для нашей регистрации пользователей:

  • Пароль шифруем при помощи алгоритма MD5
  • Пароль будем "солить"
  • Проверка на занятость Логина
  • Активация пользователя письмом.
  • Запись и хранение данных в СУБД MySQL

Для написание данного скрипта нам нужно понять, что такое регистрация пользователя. Регистрация пользователя - это получения данных реального пользователя, обработка и хранение данных.

Если объяснять простыми словами то регистрация это всего лишь запись и хранение определенных данных по которым мы можем авторизировать пользователя в нашем случае - это Логин и Пароль.

Авторизация — предоставление определённому лицу или группе лиц прав на выполнение определённых действий, а также процесс проверки данных прав при попытке выполнения этих действий. Проше говоря с помощью авторизации мы можем разграничить доступ к тому или иному контенту на нашем сайте.

Рассмотрим структуру каталогов скриптов для реализации нашей регистрации с авторизацией. Нам нужно разбить скрипты на логические составляющие. Модули регистрации и авторизации мы поместив в отдельный каталог. Так же в отдельные каталоги мы поместим подключение к базе данных MySQL , файл с пользовательскими функциями, файл стилей CSS и наш шаблон HTML . Данная структура позволяет быстро ориентироваться в скриптах. Представьте себе, что у Вас большой сайт с кучей модулями и т.д. и если не будет порядка, то будет очень сложно что-то отыскать в таком бардаке.

Так как мы будем хранить все данные в СУБД MySQL , то давайте создадим не большую таблицу в которой будем хранить данные о регистрации.

Для начала нужно создать таблицу в базе данных. Таблицу назовем bez_reg где bez - это префикс таблицы, а reg название таблицы.

Структура таблицы: bez_reg -- -- Структура таблицы `bez_reg` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bez_reg` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `login` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `pass` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `salt` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `active_hex` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `status` int(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; Теперь создадим основные скрипты для дальнейшей работы. Файл INDEX.PHP

